Ajith, who is known for his nonappearance in such events, made a rare entry yesterday at a glittering ceremony at Nehru Stadium in Chennai. He made a frank appeal to the CM that film fraternity should not be arm twisted to attend such political and social events. He said, “They want us to attend such events and at the same time are against us joining politics.He has indeed shown great courage to talk frankly on what he felt and he should be complimented on that. At the same time, going into what he said, I dont think he can complain too much. I am not sure if his angst is against attending such functions or opposition against actors entry into politics. Given the profession (well, they say that actors are really professionals), siding with the Government is an occupational hazard. Actors including 'superstars' have no option but to wag their tail for any Government, irrespective of the Chief Minister. In 2006, there was a function by film industry to praise Jayalalithaa (then CM of TN) for acting against video piracy. Within a few months, Karunanidhi became CM of TN and there was another function by the same film industry to praise him. Film industry is inexorably linked to the politics atleast in Tamil Nadu. Stephen Hughes, professor of Anthropology and Sociology, had this to say
On the everlasting association between film and politics, Mr.Hughes says films were seen as an effective medium to spread political ideologies even before the M.G.R. period. “Regional parties found foothold through cinema. The Congress had divided opinions about embracing cinema as a propaganda medium but parties such as the DMK made the most out it.”Especially given the current economic scenario, it is reassuring that Tamil film industry has been churning lot more films which are also diverse. One of the reasons could be the tax exemption given for films that have Tamil titles. Especially for 'low budget' films, producers and more importantly distributors need to have that comfort zone that even if film does average business, they may be able to get back their money. CM did announce that entertainment tax exemption for Tamil cinema would continue.
With the film industry having such a big chain of jobs - from carpenters to painters to actors, forget media, publicity etc, any step to promote production has to be welcomed by the actors and they cant complain. MR Radha, popular called as நடிகவேள், mentioned way back in a public speech in Malaysia
மக்கள் சொல்லுகிறபடியெல்லாம் கூத்தாடக் கூடியவருக்குத் தான் கூத்தாடினு பேர்.So actors may not have much choice in such things. Their appointments are booked without their acceptance. All the world is a stage and atleast they are all actors :))
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