What's even more scandalous is that the 36-year-old priest, Devanathan, used to engage in sexual acts even as unsuspecting devotees waited outside to perform puja.That is how holy the temple is. If at all, anyone has to take the 'blame', it is the women.
Ever since I first went to the temple near my house in Chennai, I always find that priest in almost all temples indulge in lot of chatter with women (devotees, if one may call so) and I used to hate that especially in a place like temple. It may be distracting for the 'serious' goers. It is often because of 'small' benefits that they get, women seem to enter in such silly talk. It may be 'delay in rituals' so that women can come or 'extra prasad' or some crap like that. If a person is genuinely believer in God, (s)he doesnt need an 'intermediary' like priest. It may be inane chatter, but to put in Ian Chappell's words -
more you allow inane chatter, more likely something personal is going to be said. If something is said at the wrong moment, you will have one person laying his hand on the other.It sounds the same here as well.
My another 'eternal' question is whether women can be 'atheist's. Atleast in reality, most temples or rituals are meant (to attract) for ONLY women. Why do they believe in God? That leads to the 'intermediary' or 'broker' ie the priest. I am reminded of the classic quote from Pulp Fiction -
There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never really questioned what it meant.
Now I'm thinkin', it could mean you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr. .45 here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or is could by you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. THE TRUTH IS YOU'RE THE WEAK. AND I'M THE TYRANNY OF EVIL MEN.
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